Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent - Living in Abundance

Leah and are reading from a book called "Watching for the Light (c)2001 and the reading from Dec 7, titled: The Penitential Season by William Stringfellow started and ended with the following statements.

"We Live Now, in the United States, in a culture so profoundly pagan that Advent is no longer really noticed, much less observed."

"In the First Advent, Christ the Lord comes into the world, in the next Advent, Christ the Lord comes as Judge of the world and of all the world's thrones and pretenders, sovereignty's and dominions, principalities and authorities, presidencies and regimes, in vindication of his lordship and reign of the Word of God in history. This is the truth, which the world hates, which biblical people (repentant people) bear and by which they live as the church in the world in the time between the two Advents."

After reading this Leah and I were deeply struck by what advent is suppose to be about. Not the stereotypical "Putting Christ back in Christmas" or other things but trying to live in the in between. In between Christ's first coming 2000 years ago and his return somewhere in the future. How we are called to live expectantly and in accordance with all of God's laws. That we are suppose to live a life of gratitude and to remember that God has given us far more than we need, not so that we can have one more Pumpkin Latte from Starbucks (my favorite) but rather so that the abundance would flow through us and to someone else; thereby, showing the love of Jesus (God) to others. This concept of living an abundant life and how we have already been given more than we need struck me deeply. Because of this, we are exploring what it would look like to live an abundant life.

What is an abundant life? Well, I am not referring to the "Name it and Claim" concept or the Gospel of Prosperity that is preached by many TV evangelist. I personally think these things go against the teachings of Jesus. Because of this, Leah and I have decided to try something different this Advent and rather than living in a world of not having enough, try living in a world of more than enough.

What exactly are we doing? Well, you'll just have to wait until Boxing Day to find that out.

1 comment:

  1. Dude-you guys are deep! Today I lived abundantly by zipping up the coat of a guy pumping gas across from me at the gas station-my pump was able to be held by the clicker-thing but his didn't work and he was one-handedly trying to zip past his chest to avoid the horrendous wind chill blowing-I had two hands so I helped--He laughed at me the whole time--but all I did was smile and walk back to my pump. That is what it is about--doing for others in need when you have it to give! Peace out cuz...Looking forward to sharing my next abudance as it comes.
